How to sign up for Whistle?

Click Here to create a new Whistle account and automatically connect Whistle to Cloudbeds.

How to connect the apps for the first time?

Existing Whistle client

Existing Whistle Clients should enable the Cloudbeds integration through the Whistle Dashboard.

  1. Go to Company Tab
  2. Click "Integrations"
  3. Find the Cloudbeds integration, and click "Connect to Cloudbeds"

New Whistle client

Click Here to create a new Whistle account and automatically connect Whistle to Cloudbeds.

Cloudbeds Integration Features:

Cloudbeds Integration Limitations:

How do disconnect Whistle from Cloudbeds

Disconnect via Cloudbeds

Disconnect via Whistle Dashboard


Please message for any questions, we'd love to say hi and answer any questions!


How often are reservations synced to Whistle?

Does the integration support MyGroup (group association) properties?